Shafter Bail Bonds

The most reliable bail bonds in Shafter

Looking for fast and easy Shafter bail bonds? Then you’ve come to the right place. Cowboy Bail Bonds is the go-to bail bond company throughout Shafter and Kern County. We can write your bond and get you released from jail quickly. We’re here for you every step of the way. Give us a call at 661.324.6009 to get started or fill out an online form and we’ll give you a call back.


115 5-star Google reviews

Family-owned and operated

115 5-star Google reviews

50 years of experience

115 5-star Google reviews

115 5-star Google reviews

115 5-star Google reviews

We’ll come to you

115 5-star Google reviews

Easy-to-qualify terms

115 5-star Google reviews

Payment plans available

Have questions about Shafter bail bonds?

Don’t allow your questions to go unanswered. Contact Cowboy Bail Bonds and let us help eliminate some of the stress you’re probably feeling right now. We can provide you with free bail information and clear up any confusion you may have regarding bail bonds, including questions regarding court appearances.

Contact Cowboy Bail Bonds

Important bail bond information for Shafter residents

Here are a few additional resources that may help you answer questions, find help, and get through this process quicker.

Want to learn more about bail bonds in Shafter?

Check out some of our most valuable bail bond resources to learn more about the bail bond process. Give us a call if you have any questions.


If you need a Bailbonds man Steve is your man. He is very knowledgeable about not only bailing someone out, but he knows about everything that is happening in the jail and in court. He goes down to the jail at any time of the day or night. Your loved one will be out of jail fast. So, if you ever need a Bailbonds man Steve is your man.

Noellia Castillo